There's no real recipe for this creation, so I figured I'd just show you exactly what I used. I was craving mac and cheese, but wanted to make a much healthier version than the one we grew up on. I had the leftover pureed pumpkin eyeing me from the fridge and it hit me, maybe I could throw that in with the cheese sauce. I am super proud of the end results, it was creamy and delicious and even a little healthy.
100% whole wheat elbow macaroni noodles
one bag of reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese
pureed pumpkin (I used about a cup and a half) *If no pumpkin, you could use butternut squash
50/50 Smartchoice butter (about a tablespoon)
all purpose flour (a couple of tablespoons)
almond milk (a couple of cups)
unsalted chicken stock (about a cup)
1. Cook the pasta according to box directions and drain.
2. In the same pot (while noodles are sitting in the strainer) add the butter, let it melt, add the flour and stir.
3. Add the almond milk and chicken stock. Whisk until it's heated through.
4. Add the pumpkin and cheese. Stir until it's thickened and delicious looking.
5. Add the noodles and a healthy dose of salt and pepper.
6. SCARF! (This goes without saying...but obviously sprinkle some vinegar on top)
7. Force yourself to not eat seconds.
I've let the leftovers cool completely and then portioned it out into single servings to put in the freezer. I know it's not completely vegan (sorry Feather and Laina), but it really is a great alternative to regular mac and cheese!